
Simplified guide on E-invoicing requirements | Time Limit for Claiming Refund of VAT by Tourists | Clearance of consignments through Courier Companies | List of Excise goods updated by NBR | Public Clarification on deficient or missing Excise goods | Role of the tax invoice in input tax recovery – remarks de lege ferenda in the UAE VAT system | UAE Supreme Court orders cancellation of tax penalties for re -submission of returns | UAE extends deadline for submission of FATCA/CRS reports till July 20, 2022 | ZATCA carries out inspection visits on various retail shops, cafes, restaurants, etc. | FTA issues Public Clarification on “Gold Making charges” | UAE Businesses Need to Look Closer at ‘Fringe Areas’ in Corporate Tax Regime | ZATCA issues simplified Guidelines for Agriculture, Real Estate, Construction and InfoComm sectors | Tax Policy: Structuring a Tax Payer's Feedback | Oman Tax Authority issues Guide on “Financial Services Sector” | UAE – Administrative Penalties | UAE – Voluntary Disclosure Guide | UAE: What are the legal risks investors need to watch out for when investing in digital assets? | VAT treatment on Transfer of goods from one Designated Zone to another | Input VAT Recovery on missed tax invoices? | Introduction of Corporate Tax in UAE | New Rules on Retrospective Tax Penalty Waivers, Installments, Tax Litigation, and Class Actions | KSA publishes Guidelines on Contracting Sector in Arabic | NBR of Bahrain issues FAQs in relation to VAT rate change transitional rules | Bahrain issues VAT Rate Change Transitional Provisions Guide | NBR of Bahrain starts rolling out email to taxpayers for proposed change in VAT rate | FTA updates VAT User guide for Registration, Amendments and De-registration | FTA issues reminder on amending provisions of Administrative Penalties for Violation of Tax | Bahrain's Shura Council has approved draft amendment bill to increase VAT rate | FTA issues Public Clarification for recovery of input tax on Phones, Airtime, and Packages | Bahrain Parliament receives draft amendment bill to double the VAT rate | Parliament House of Bahrain approves increase in VAT rate | KSA issues guide to develop FATOORAH compliant QR Code | Bahrain publishes updated manual on “Change of VAT return filing frequency” | UAE announces 'Reconsideration Requests Service' to be available on e-services portal | UAE issues “Reconsiderations User” guide | UAE releases user guide on Excise Tax | UAE issues Public Clarification on “Amendment of Tax Procedures Law” | KSA releases second version of "Input Tax Deduction" guide in Arabic | VAT law under consideration in Qatar, at drafting stage | UAE updates Turnover Declaration Letter | UAE updates Payment User Guide | UAE revises “VAT Refund User” guide | ZATCA issues second edition of "General VAT" guide in Arabic | KSA releases second version of “Professional services” guide in Arabic | UAE links Tax Registration Number with Customs Registration Number | UAE issues Public Clarification on “Goods supplied in Designated Zone and Connected Shipping or Delivery Services" | UAE amends “Federal Decree Law on Tax Procedures” | UAE amends “Executive Regulations” of Federal Decree Law on VAT | ZATCA suggests taxpayers to expedite preparations with requirements of first phase of E-invoicing | Oman Tax Authority releases English version of 'Real Estate' guide | FTA conducts workshop to review procedures for recovering input tax |

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